Midland High School
1301 Eastlawn, Midland, MI
Designed by Alden B. Dow FAIA, 1954.
The initial site plan for Midland High School was sketched by Alden B. Dow in December of 1953. Preliminary floorplans were developed in April 1954, with working drawings finalized in November of that year. Barton-Malow Company from Detroit was selected as general contractor for the project, and construction contracts were signed in January 1955. The total cost of all contracts, including plumbing, heating, electrical, and others, amounted to $3,252,310 for a per square foot cost of $14.01 without the architect fees.
When the school opened for classes in September 1956, it had an enrollment of 1,760 students. Brick exterior walls and an extended wing of alternating double-hung and fixed window panels face the street. Insulated metal spandrels run above and below the windows. Although not apparent from the front, the building contains three levels.
The first level was devoted primarily to the Business Education, Speech, and Industrial Arts departments; the gymnasium and the Little Theatre were also located there. The second or main level housed the Chemistry, Biology, Language, Mathematics, Music, and Homemaking departments, in addition to administrative offices, kitchen, and cafeteria. The third level was where the English, social studies, physics, art, and vocal music classes were taught. Centrally located to support these classes was the library with its collection of 8,000 books and comfortable study space.
The dedication ceremony was held January 13, 1957. A stadium was added in 1958 along with a concession stand in 1959, and an addition to the school was built in 1966.